Cross Stitched Christmas Bauble Ornament

Make a Christmas ornament



Need a break from stitching your huge heirloom piece? This is a quick, easy and fun project just in time for Christmas.


This is what you’ll need:

  • Empty glass Bauble Ornament
  • Finished Piece of stitching
  • Backing Fabric
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Stuffing
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Clips
  • Chop stick



Fix Bauble to Fabric

Place your stitching right side down on a hard surface. Use the tape to secure the bauble over the top of the stitched piece.


Trace Around Fabric

Trace around the outside of the bauble.


Seam Allowance

Free-hand a second line around the outside of the first, about 3/4 cm distance, this is your seam allowence.


Cut Out Piece

Cut out your stiched piece, as well as a matching piece of your backing material, keep the top spout portion quite long, you can trim it down later as needed, you want enough to fold around the top of the bauble to help you stuff it later.


Secure Two Pieces

Secure the two pieces together with clips, front sides together.


Stitch Pieces Together

Stich the two pieces together with a small running stitch, leaving a gap at the top.


Snip Triangles to Reduce Puckering

Snip small triangles out between the edge and the seam, being carful not to touch the stitched seam. These will reduce puckering and help the piece keep it’s shape once you turn it right side out.


Turn Inside Out

Now the tricky part! Carefully turn the piece right side out. This will take a little bit of time and tugging as the gap at the top is quite small. Just be patient and ease a little bit through at a time.


Press with Iron

Once you have your piece right side out flattern it out and press with an iron.


Insert Piece and Stuff

Take your stitched piece and roll it up so that it can be pushed through the opening of the bauble, folding the top edges around the top of the opening once it is in then stuff, use the chop stick to poke the stuffing into the opening and work it into edges of the piece and get it as even as possible. (I forgot to take a photo of this step!) 🙄 😡

Once you have the piece as stuffed as you want it, you can trim down the spout if necessary. Then fold it over and try and fit it neatly just inside the top of the opening. The bauble lid will cover this once you have it fitted.


Decorate with Ribbon

Tie ribbon around the top and place the silver hanger back on the bauble, for a neater finish try and get the sliver hanging piece over the top of the ribbon.



And you are done! You can attach and addition piece of ribbon to hang on the tree.


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